Typical week: Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday we're at the VC. Mondays are P-Day, then we're out in the area on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Ralphie was a one time deal. I did take a call though from a guy who apparently calls and tries to find out information. He stalks the sisters. Creepo. Tell Laker that he really needs to stop getting hurt, but that he's a stud. Mom, I did get your letter. It made me cry. It was very special to read. I love your testimony. Christmas request: Love each other.
This week was great! It all started off with a KISS right on the LIPS. I'm not joking. #rebel It was just a little girl in my ward though, don't worry. We went over last Monday night for FHE and as we were leaving, she ran up to me and gave me a hug. So I bent down to say bye, and she started going in for a kiss! I turned my head to the right so she'd get my cheek, but naturally, I could only go so far. So I quickly turned to the left, but she caught me. Boom. It was cute. But also very inappropriate.
We saw Madame M again this week! She's slowly progressing. We started to teach her about the Plan of Salvation, and she saw a picture of a mom and dad holding their baby. When she saw it, she told us we needed to take it to her son who is in a relationship with a kinda crazy girl. Madame M really is just a sweetie. Every time we have her pray, she prays for you guys. She says, "Bless their families. I don't know where they are, I don't know who they are, but please bless them." It's so touching! Ahh I love that lady. Also, fun fact: She has the same bed as Lucy and me (I'll pretend it's still my bed). I told Madame M that I used to have her bed and she was SO excited. It was cute. Madame M and I are bed twinsies for life. Just as long as we don't have to share it.
Things are a bit chilly now days. We were in an appointment one day and in the middle of the lesson, our less-active member stopped speaking, looked at me and asked where my coat was. Well, I'm here to tell you that I was wearing it. But it wasn't big. Then she was like, "And those gloves? Well Sweetie, at least you'll look cute while driving." It was funny. Here I am, thinking I'm all bundled up ready to take on the cold, and I'm informed that the things I'm wearing are pretty much worthless. Yikes. But I got a big jacket. Don't worry. It's super hot. Now that it's so cold, we don't work out at the high school track in the mornings. Instead, we go to the lovely cultural hall. There are about 15 of us that meet there and we just run laps. Over and over and over again. It's a bit repetitive. Did I already tell you about this? I don't know. But we also try to do some some strengthening activities. So I was doing push ups one morning (a grand spankin' total of 15). Then that night we went to a family's house for dinner. The mom saw me I guess and commented on it. I told her I take after my mom! Except for I'm a saggy old lady, and you're a fit queen. We need Jackie to come teach classes in the morning. Jackie, pack your bags. You're moving to Ohio.
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We also got very lost this week. We usually have a gps, but for some reason the car we were borrowing didn't have one so we just went off of memory. We missed a turn, so we took the next turn and figured we'd just re-route. Little did we know, we wouldn't be able to turn around for FIFTEEN MILES. Holy smokes. We were off the charts. Literally. We were out of our area. In fact, when we went home, I looked at the map to see where were, and it was off the map. Needless to say, I don't have the navigating skills that Mr. Chancey Lee Trentman has. So embarassing, yet so funny.
We got a new investigator this week! He's a referral from a non-progressing investigator. Ironic, right? No. Because even though some may not understand the gospel completely, they recognize the goodness and blessings that come from it. I love that she wants to share it with her friend. So JJ is about 40ish? Not really sure. But he was talking about how he needs God in his life again. He's come to church several times and loooves the feelings that he has there. He said that he'd be baptized! Boom. Love the spirit. It's so powerful. He's a hard core smoker though. We smelt like smoke all day long after meeting with him. We went to a member's house afterward and her son walked in and was like, "It smells like smoke." Nothing like missionaries that smell like smoke.
I spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday. I was asked to speak on what I am the most grateful for in this gospel, and I decide to talk on Eternal Families. I began by saying, " I love my family." Not the best way to start, because then I was choked up the rest of the talk. But that's okay. I shared the story of the 9 of us moving to a 2 bedroom house in Auburn. Several people came up to me afterwards and said I painted a beautiful picture of numerous beds shoved in one room with dressers stacked upon dressers. So now I think my ward loves our family. But you guys, the reality is this: I do love you all. So much. Each night as I say my personal prayers, I pray for each of you guys by name. I have to admit, it makes me a little emotional. But then I start to pray for our investigators and my ward, and those feelings that are sometimes hard and sad, go away. I love being a missionary. I love sharing this gospel with others and I wouldn't give up the chance I have to serve for anything.
I love how in Elder Trentman's letter he emphasized how even though we have the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and other things, our main message is about Jesus Christ. It's so true. If it weren't for Christ, none of us would be out here serving missions. Christ is the center of our message, He's the center of everything. But I just have to say. Serving here in Kirtland has allowed my appreciation and love for Joseph Smith and the other early saints to grow so much. Like it hurts. I don't know why. I just love the examples they all were to me and I so badly want to personally know them. They went through so many hardships and so much persecution so that we could have the restored gospel on Earth. Why would they go through those things if this church wasn't true? They wouldn't. Their faith was so strong and they were so selfless. I seriously can't get over it. In the words of Brayden, "Hooray for Joseph." Hooray for his courage, his faith, his determination, his perspective, his selflessness and his love for the Savior.
I love this gospel. I love my Savior. I know that He lives. I know that He knows each and everyone of us personally, and that we can rely on him in our moments of deepest despair. There is nothing greater than knowing that Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to send His only Begotten Son to atone for all of our sins and inadequacies. How hard that must have been. But because of that sacrifice, we are all able to change and better ourselves to live in a way that Heavenly Father would have us live. What would I be without second chances and fresh beginnings? It's a scary thought, really. Especially since becoming a missionary, I have been able to realize just how inadequate and hopeless I am and would be in life without Christ. But because of Him, I can grow. That is something that I will forever be thankful for.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Eat lots, unbutton your pants, then eat some more. You know. It's a good day. I love you all.