Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 10: A Kiss on the Lips!

Hola!!! Estoy hablando en espanol!! Just kidding. Tricked ya. Don't even know if that made sense. You're welcome.

Typical week: SundayTuesday and Wednesday we're at the VC. Mondays are P-Day, then we're out in the area on WednesdayThursday and Friday. Ralphie was a one time deal. I did take a call though from a guy who apparently calls and tries to find out information. He stalks the sisters. Creepo. Tell Laker that he really needs to stop getting hurt, but that he's a stud. Mom, I did get your letter. It made me cry. It was very special to read. I love your testimony. Christmas request: Love each other.

This week was great! It all started off with a KISS right on the LIPS.  I'm not joking. #rebel It was just a little girl in my ward though, don't worry. We went over last Monday night for FHE and as we were leaving, she ran up to me and gave me a hug. So I bent down to say bye, and she started going in for a kiss! I turned my head to the right so she'd get my cheek, but naturally, I could only go so far. So I quickly turned to the left, but she caught me. Boom. It was cute. But also very inappropriate. 

We saw Madame M again this week! She's slowly progressing. We started to teach her about the Plan of Salvation, and she saw a picture of a mom and dad holding their baby. When she saw it, she told us we needed to take it to her son who is in a relationship with a kinda crazy girl. Madame M really is just a sweetie. Every time we have her pray, she prays for you guys. She says, "Bless their families. I don't know where they are, I don't know who they are, but please bless them." It's so touching! Ahh I love that lady. Also, fun fact: She has the same bed as Lucy and me (I'll pretend it's still my bed).  I told Madame M that I used to have her bed and she was SO excited. It was cute. Madame M and I are bed twinsies for life. Just as long as we don't have to share it. 

Things are a bit chilly now days. We were in an appointment one day and in the middle of the lesson, our less-active member stopped speaking, looked at me and asked where my coat was. Well, I'm here to tell you that I was wearing it. But it wasn't big. Then she was like, "And those gloves? Well Sweetie, at least you'll look cute while driving." It was funny. Here I am, thinking I'm all bundled up ready to take on the cold, and I'm informed that the things I'm wearing are pretty much worthless. Yikes. But I got a big jacket. Don't worry. It's super hot. Now that it's so cold, we don't work out at the high school track in the mornings. Instead, we go to the lovely cultural hall. There are about 15 of us that meet there and we just run laps. Over and over and over again. It's a bit repetitive. Did I already tell you about this? I don't know. But we also try to do some some strengthening activities. So I was doing push ups one morning (a grand spankin' total of 15). Then that night we went to a family's house for dinner. The mom saw me I guess and commented on it. I told her I take after my mom! Except for I'm a saggy old lady, and you're a fit queen. We need Jackie to come teach classes in the morning. Jackie, pack your bags. You're moving to Ohio.

We also got very lost this week. We usually have a gps, but for some reason the car we were borrowing didn't have one so we just went off of memory. We missed a turn, so we took the next turn and figured we'd just re-route. Little did we know, we wouldn't be able to turn around for FIFTEEN MILES. Holy smokes. We were off the charts. Literally. We were out of our area. In fact, when we went home, I looked at the map to see where were, and it was off the map. Needless to say, I don't have the navigating skills that Mr. Chancey Lee Trentman has.  So embarassing, yet so funny.

We got a new investigator this week! He's a referral from a non-progressing investigator. Ironic, right? No. Because even though some may not understand the gospel completely, they recognize the goodness and blessings that come from it. I love that she wants to share it with her friend. So JJ is about 40ish? Not really sure. But he was talking about how he needs God in his life again. He's come to church several times and loooves the feelings that he has there. He said that he'd be baptized! Boom. Love the spirit. It's so powerful. He's a hard core smoker though. We smelt like smoke all day long after meeting with him. We went to a member's house afterward and her son walked in and was like, "It smells like smoke." Nothing like missionaries that smell like smoke.

I spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday. I was asked to speak on what I am the most grateful for in this gospel, and I decide to talk on Eternal Families. I began by saying, " I love my family." Not the best way to start, because then I was choked up the rest of the talk. But that's okay. I shared the story of the 9 of us moving to a 2 bedroom house in Auburn. Several people came up to me afterwards and said I painted a beautiful picture of numerous beds shoved in one room with dressers stacked upon dressers. So now I think my ward loves our family. But you guys, the reality is this: I do love you all. So much. Each night as I say my personal prayers, I pray for each of you guys by name. I have to admit, it makes me a little emotional. But then I start to pray for our investigators and my ward, and those feelings that are sometimes hard and sad, go away. I love being a missionary. I love sharing this gospel with others and I wouldn't give up the chance I have to serve for anything.

I love how in Elder Trentman's letter he emphasized how even though we have the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and other things, our main message is about Jesus Christ. It's so true. If it weren't for Christ, none of us would be out here serving missions. Christ is the center of our message, He's the center of everything. But I just have to say. Serving here in Kirtland has allowed my appreciation and love for Joseph Smith and the other early saints to grow so much. Like it hurts. I don't know why. I just love the examples they all were to me and I so badly want to personally know them. They went through so many hardships and so much persecution so that we could have the restored gospel on Earth. Why would they go through those things if this church wasn't true? They wouldn't. Their faith was so strong and they were so selfless. I seriously can't get over it. In the words of Brayden, "Hooray for Joseph." Hooray for his courage, his faith, his determination, his perspective, his selflessness and his love for the Savior. 

I love this gospel. I love my Savior. I know that He lives. I know that He knows each and everyone of us personally, and that we can rely on him in our moments of deepest despair. There is nothing greater than knowing that Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to send His only Begotten Son to atone for all of our sins and inadequacies. How hard that must have been. But because of that sacrifice, we are all able to change and better ourselves to live in a way that Heavenly Father would have us live. What would I be without second chances and fresh beginnings? It's a scary thought, really. Especially since becoming a missionary, I have been able to realize just how inadequate and hopeless I am and would be in life without Christ. But because of Him, I can grow. That is something that I will forever be thankful for. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Eat lots, unbutton your pants, then eat some more. You know. It's a good day. I love you all. 


Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 9: "Jayne is a Precious Stone, a Jewel in God's Eyes"


This week was great! Things are really slowing down now that there's snow. The roads were all closed off the first time it snowed because there weren't any snow plows or salt yet and the roads were so icy. So day one of being stuck inside has already taken place. Plus, people are always cancelling now because of the weather. It's kind of a bummer, but we try to make the most of it!

Fun in the schoolhouse basement.
These are the four sisters I live with.  Used too, at least.
Sister Holmes, in the black and white stripes, has been transferred.
Zone conference was just... amazing. So amazing. Such great talks and messages were shared. My violin piece was the first musical number and that went decently well. Then we listened to some talks that were so inspiring! Then came the second musical number. It was disastrous.  So I got a call the night before Zone Conference from one of the sisters serving at the VC. She was going to be singing in a quartet, 2 sisters, 2 elders, but she got sick and lost her voice. So they asked me to join. I said yes. We practiced about 10 minutes before Zone Conference started and it sounded beautiful! Such cool harmonies. Then, we went in for the real deal. The first guy to start singing started on the wrong note (this was all acapella) and it kind of threw us all off. So this other sister and I are trying to find our note so we can come in with the oohs and ahhs, didn't happen. But we still oohed. Bad idea. We sounded like dying cows.  We giggled, then we tried again. Once again, dying cows. Then I just burst out in laughter. On the pulpit. In the middle of Zone Conference. You guys, I had tears coming down my face I was laughing so hard. I couldn't control myself. I had to bury my head in her shoulder. So embarrassing/inappropriate. Then you look out to the congregation, and everyone's heads are down in fear of making eye contact with someone else and laughing uncontrollably at the glorious musical number going on in front of them. But you could still see their shoulders going up and down from silent, respectful laughter. Oh my goodness. It was horrible. Then afterwards, President came up to me and was like, "Thanks for singing!" ...... You're welcome. So yeah. That was exciting. But apparently it made it the best Zone Conference yet, so good job, Jayne. I should volunteer myself more often. Just kidding.

Hooray for District timer shots where none of us are smiling!
We got to watch Meet the Mormons! It was so good. I loved it. At the end though, when the missionary was saying goodbye to his family, the room was just full of bawling missionaries. Like I've never seen/heard so many people cry so hard during a movie. I only had about 2 tears come though. Luckily I had already drained my eyes during the song. But then afterwards, President walked up to the stand from the left side, looked at all of us for a few seconds, then said, "Well it's a good thing we didn't show Bambi", chuckled, then walked off to the right and just sat down. It was so great. It reminded me of when Mr. Sir laughed after telling his story about the magical place where it never rained, then just walked away. President is so awesome. He's so inspiring and spiritual, but also hilarious. Some of my other favorite quotes from him: "While you're on your mission, you're ugly." and "Be clean or I will shoot you." Classic President Vellinga. 

Yesterday we had our Primary Program! Such cute kids in my ward. It kills me. You know how Carter and Jackie had that huge baby in their ward? Yeah, we have one of those. He's about 1 year old and is the size of 3.79 Jaydens. It's great. Also, I'd like to share with you a little letter Sister de Kock and I received from one of the kids in our ward:

"Dear Sister de Kock and sister Liveston I like you becaues I luv you from yor best butey deago." This came from a boy named Isaac. He likes to call himself Diego. Why? Couldn't tell ya. But he's our best buddy. And once again, I just love kids and how cute/pure.innocent they are.

I'd just like to tell you guys about a man named Ralphie. He came onto chat and started getting very defensive, saying how our religion was wrong and we shouldn't try to be Christ-like because it's impossible to achieve that goal. It didn't make much sense to me. But we continued speaking with him and were just being nice to him. Eventually, we stopped replying, but he just kept on going. He went on for an hour without us saying anything to him. Literally, an hour. I'm not exaggerating. It was hilarious. Is that mean of us? Probably. But we figured that he just needed to release his feelings and vent for a bit. So we let him. He was very dramatic. He wrote beautifully! Very poetic, but very dramatic. Here is a transcript from the last entries of the one-sided thread. Greatest compliment ever.
 Ralphie:  God will move you towards him, to his truth, to his joy.  I see you both love Jesus.
Ralphie:  This I see, and this I pray.  There is light, to come, to overflow, to enjoy, praise and worship.
Ralphie:  Jayne is a precious stone, a jewel in God's eyes.
Ralphie:  Jaydene (Sis. de Kock, Jayne's companion) is a rose that brings a wonderful smell of God's presence, to you
Ralphie:  Seek God's presence, press in, ask God to give you guidance.
Ralphie:  Jayne and Jaydene, both beautiful, a marvelous work by God, so precious, that you can have life, Everlasting Jesus, I bid you farewell.

Classic Ralphie

Mom, guess what. Sister de Kock and I are memorizing The Living Christ! Are you proud? When we first decided to memorize it, we read the first sentence and thought it would be impossible, but we finally got it. We're about 3/4 through the first column now. It's been so fun! I love it. Thank you for inspiring us. 

Also, we did sooo many stop-by's with former/potential investigators this week. We saw so many torn apart families. It was so sad! Heartbreaking. It made me so grateful for the "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" and the principles/values it teaches. How blessed are we to have modern Prophets who are able to lead and direct us? So much happiness and pure joy comes from following prophets, past and present. We are given so many different resources and I think we all might take them for granted a little bit. I know I sure do.  But I am trying to use more of those resources and apply them in my life, and in my missionary efforts. God lives, and He loves. What more could we ask for? We truly are blessed.

My home
Love the story about Lincoln. Yes, I'm on a secret mission. Kids are just too cute! It's so hard not getting to hold them. Definitely the hardest mission rule for me. I don't want you to have to send me anything (unless you REALLY want to, I won't mind). Mema's got me covered! She sent me some beanies and scarves! So sweet. I love you Mema. But yeah I can just look around here for things. I'll need to get a marshmallow coat and some heavy duty snow boots. We have about 5 inches of snow so far, with plenty more to come. I've mostly been wearing the boots I have. Sister S has been called to serve as a Family History Consultant! She says it isn't her biggest cup of tea, but she's happy to do it. About the picture of the Camerons and me: The young boy on the very left, Tristan (5), is Jordan's son. Then next to him is Brynn's son, Cole (8). And the baby BOY (not a girl:)) that Brynn is holding is hers too. We made the connection because their mom recognized the name Livingston. She asked where in California I was from and I said Sacramento. Then she said she knew some from LA, and I was like "It's probably my family! Do you know the Frames?" Then there were connections flying all over the place. So fun. Connections are always fun. Maybe one day someone I really know and love will come take a tour. Frames? Tee hee.

Secret message for Melodee: Ek weet hierdie kerk is waar. Dit maak my so bly! Ek is so lief vir Sister de Kock. Sy is my gunstelling. Sy is baie lief vir Sister Livingston. ;P :) :) 

I asked Sister de Kock to say, "I know this church is true and it makes me so happy" in Afrikaans. Then she added some other stuff. I hope it's all good and that she didn't' tell on me for all of my inadequacies. 

Transfer Photo Nice!

ALSO! You guys should make profiles. Sometimes we like to look at people while on chat. I've only found Gracie and Clark so far. And Chancey. Yes I searched him. You're welcome. So that's my challenge 
to you all. So get on it, people!

I love you all! Have a wonderful week. Be good, CTR, don't forget about me, you know. 

Love always,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 8: Letting My Light Shine!

Hello! This week was another great week.  

First, answers to questions: My winter wardrobe is struggling! It hasn't been too cold lately, but I've heard this winter is supposed to be bad. So I'll need to buy a big winter coat and about 1000 more scarves/tights/gloves/beanies. All of my shoes are fine. No blisters. For some reason, everyone really likes my boots. Too bad I have baby feet and no one else can fit into them! Tee hee.  I will not be in the same ward my whole time here. It's the same as other missions, we get transferred to different areas, they all just happen to be within an hour from the VC. And yes, 6 week transfers :) It's a normal mission. My p-days won't always be on Monday's though. If all the sisters at the VC had Monday p-days, we might have a slight problem. The violin I've been using is just a lady's in my ward and I am scared out of my mind to play at Zone conference tomorrow! Oh well. We get to watch Meet the Mormons! I'm excited.  No eye appt yet. I still need our insurances number to see what providers are here. We use the library computers. During the days we're stuck in our house due to the weather, we just take naps. Just kidding. I'm not sure, to be honest, I'm guessing we'll just clean and study study study. The bible study is just a bunch of random christian churches that come together. No fear though, they will soon be baptized. 

We were finally able to meet with one of our referrals this week! Her name is Auntie A. Not sure if I've said anything about her previously, but she's basically the most prepared person I've ever met. We met her at the library while her kids were in story time and just talked with her and asked what she knew about the church. We had a Book of Mormon sitting out on the table to give to her. She sees it and says, "Oh I've already read that, as well as the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great price." As she's explaining all that she's read and what she thought about it, we just smile and nod and shove (respectfully, of course)  the Book of Mormon back into our bags. It was kind of like on Elf when buddy made the list of all the things that he and his dad are going to do, then is rejected, so he sneakily shakes the etch-a-sketch and puts it down. Anyway, she knows all this history of the restoration, moving to Kirtland, building the temple, leaving it behind, moving out west, etc. EVERYTHING. She says she adores the Mormon values and way of living and is fascinated with how strong of a man Joseph was.  In her words, she's "obsessed". She said she finds herself staying up till 3 in the morning reading blogs that defend Joseph Smith. And she's also started to live by the word of wisdom. SO PREPARED! Gah. Love it. The only thing though, is that she and her family are very strong in the Catholic faith. She's not too sure how her husband would take it. They really value their family relationships though, we were hoping to start FHE with them next week. 
Because watching the District for 2 hours is always a blast.

Mr. W, the 60 year old man we started to teach, is so awesome. We met with him for the second time, and he had read the Restoration pamphlet and "loved the story". His entire countenance had changed so much from our first meeting. He was telling us about all of these wonderful things and blessings that had happened since we last saw him, and he realizes that it's not just a coincidence! We gave him a Book of Mormon to read, and he was like, "I just finished my bible last night, and now I have another one I get to read! God knew. " It's so amazing! He's opening up a lot with us so much and I love it. 

I love watching Sis. S, our recent convert, at church. That sounds creepy, but it's true. It's so cute to watch her interact with different youth and adults in church because she used to be so shy and not talk at all! But she's really stepping out of her comfort zone. And I love reading the Book of Mormon with her. Listening to the way she pronounces some of the names is possibly one of my favorite things ever.

We saw Madame M again this week. She believes that the church is true, but she wants to make sure she knows what she's doing before she makes any commitments. Which is good, it is just taking awhile because she doesn't usually keep her commitments. She's been better though! She's showing small signs of progression. She's so funny. I love her. Whenever we go to see her, she always offers us either food or a drink. It's a little scary. We usually try to have an excuse, but didn't this time so we said we'd just have some water. So she goes into her kitchen, and we hear her putting all of these different things into our cups. It was a little concerning, to say the least. Then she walks back into her living room where we were, and gives us glasses filled with chalky water. She said it was lemonade. I'm not sure what kind of lemonade it was, but let me tell you. It was unlike any lemonade I've ever had before. It tasted like a mixture of iron and lemon and some other foreign substance. I didn't feel too good after drinking it and I'm still not sure of what it was. But that's okay. 

Funny story: So last week after we finished emailing, we went grocery shopping. Then when we were walking out of the grocery store, we see this group of 5 or 6 big black men just standing outside their car. Their battery was dead. So we, two little white girls, pull up in the glorious soccer mom mini van to save the day and jump start this car. I always think it's funny that we drive a van. Especially when we help big tough men. And then they watch us in confusion as Sister de Kock backs me out. #missionrules

Sister de Kock.  Because she's from South Africa.

Things are slowing down at the visitors center, but we are still taking a few tours. So we took a tour and they happened to know our entire family and there were all these random connections! It was pretty cool. So yeah, they took a picture and sent to Wade to send to you. Can you please send it to me, though? Thank you. The 20-30 year old guy plays for the Cleveland Browns! He asked us if we'd be able to leave to watch one of his games. We said no, and he was like, "Well then I guess I'll just have to bring my whole team here and bring you guys some ice cream!" Needless to say, we're pretty close with the Browns now. It's fine. Also I took my first solo tour last night. A random group of 100+ members showed up so all the companionships had to separate. It was exciting. (Phyllis here.  This would be an old family friend from Palm Springs, Stan Cameron.  Some interesting facts:  It was Stan who set me up writing my pen pal Carol in Australia. We've met once, and still keep in touch.  I also believe Alan's brother David, dated Stan's wife Cathy, or was friends with her or something like that.  Stan's son Jordan must be the 20-30 year old football player.  That was news to me, but fun to hear!  He said she was real cute and did her presentation well.)

Stan Cameron's Family in Kirtland
(Sent to Phyllis via Uncle Wade, via Stan, who must be taking the picture.)

We took a tour with a lady in our ward and her non-member cousin. You could tell the cousin respected the things we had to say and share, but she didn't seem too interested. We got into the Hired Man's room and told the story of Orson Hyde and his conversion story. Still, she wasn't really taking it in. Then I began to bear my testimony about the Book of Mormon. Suddenly, she seemed more interested and looked at me, smiling. Something about her changed. I ended by saying how the Book of Mormon brings so much peace and comfort in my life, then she was like, "and it brings a huge smile to your face! Your face really lit up when speaking about it." It was pretty neat. I didn't know my face did that. But when speaking about the things you love, you really do light up. And it shows. It's more powerful than you'd think. I love the Book of Mormon and I know that it's true. I know that it truly does change people's hearts and lives. It's changed mine and I am so grateful for it. 

As things slow down at the VC, we spend more time on chat and as a result, are taking more chats. This includes with people who are truly interested and want to know more, and those who are anti. This week, we happened to take a lot of anti-chats, and they all lasted for quite some time. They try to take anything/everything you say and twist it. They try to get us to doubt our faith, but rather, they do the exact opposite. With each anti-chat we take, my faith is strengthened so much. Don't get me wrong, it's hard. It hurts. It makes you feel down and it's exhausting. But at the end of the day, it is such a testimony strengthener. I love this work, even with the small difficulties that come with it. I believe in Christ, so come what may. 

Because I can't hold a real baby.

It sounds like you guys had a great week. Absolutely love the story about Laker telling Ethan about the golden plates and singing the Articles of Faith, then telling him he NEEDED him to tell his mom about them. So precious. Miss that little guy. Give him a big ole hug for me.  Oh we had some guy come give us a presentation at the VC and I swear, he was grandpa's twin. Also bishop told us a story about his grandma leaving tissues everywhere. Reminded me of grandpa.  How's he doing, by the way?

 I love you all! 


Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 7: Lucky to be a Missionary (and part of the Cleveland Brown's football team)!

Hello my loves! How are you all doing? I didn't exactly get an email from you guys. </3 (broken heart).  But that's okay. I still love you all. (Phyllis here---not sure why she didn't get an email.  It is in my sent box.  I resent it. Hopefully she finds it.)

This week was great! It was pretty much Christmas all week long. We got so many referrals! Referrals are the best because you don't have to spend precious time finding people to teach, and you know that they are already interested and wanting to meet with the missionaries. And you guys guess what! I'm a missionary. So I get to meet with them.

We had a lesson with one of them on Saturday. He's in his 60's and believes that God is there and that Christ died for us, but he is having trouble increasing his faith. So we just talked about faith. He was bawling the entire lesson and it broke my heart! I just wanted to give him a big hug. But I didn't. He so badly wants to feel more and feel of God's love for him, but he doesn't. He's had a rough life but has the greatest heart! He hates to see people hurt, and he loves helping and serving others. Such a good example. We're teaching him again tonight and I can't wait! 

We saw Madame M again this week. She is so kind! I love her, even if she does have creepy toenails. She always offers us food or a glass of juice, but it's a little sketchy so we always say that we have to get going. But last week she was like, "Well take it for the road!" She gave us two loaves of bread. Cinnamon swirl and Sourdough. We took them home, opened the bags and a cute little family of flies flew out. Nastayyyy! But she is so generous even when she doesn't have much to give. Also we're still building the table legs. So we took the table top and as I was carrying it, I cut myself on a staple or something that I didn't see. So I have blood dripping down my hands, then Sister de Kock decided that we should hold hands while praying because Madame M was kind of already holding my arm. Euhhhh... So I just held Madam M's hand and tried to not get blood all over her. She said the opening prayer in Relief Society yesterday! That was very touching. Now if only we could get her to commit to baptism. Sheesh! Also whenever you leave her apartment, you can't get the smell off of you. So you smell like Madame M. And it's not the most pleasant smell I've ever smelled. 

Last week we took a family on a tour, and one of the brothers in the family just got called to serve in the MARYLAND BALTIMORE MISSION! I told him to be companions with Cameron. Except he's not Spanish speaking so maybe not. Also some linebackers or something from the CLEVELAND BROWNS came to the historic site. I'm basically on the team now. You're welcome. 

So far my biggest challenge of being a missionary has been not being able to hold babies. Brother Decker has THE cutest little girl (with the exception of Kyrie and Bryn). Every time I see her I just want to pick her up and play with her. It's tough. Also this may seem a bit rude, but I'm a little scared of one of the ladies in my ward. She's 30 but has the mind of a 13  year old. And I think she's in love with me. I'm not joking. I've always tried to be nice to her, but every time I see her she becomes more and more comfortable around me as I become more and more uncomfortable around her. Like when I see her across the room I have to hope she won't see me, otherwise she won't leave my side. But she always spots us. Then next thing ya know, she's glued to your side with her creepy little smile. She does the creepy smile on purpose. I'm not just being mean.

I've been asked to play violin at Zone Conference. Yikes! I think I might die. Luckily the song is easy schmeasy. I Need Thee Every Hour. And it's a very pretty arrangement. I'll be on violin, another sister will be on flute and another one on piano. Hopefully I don't mess it up. Also I get to play violin in the  Kirtland Temple for a Christmas program! How many people get that experience?? Not many. Why am I so blessed? I don't deserve all this. 

We went on exchanges on Friday. It was a very good experience and I was able to learn a lot. I was with Sister Smith, the sister who sang at Sandy's baptism while I played violin,and we stayed in my area. We taught a few lessons and raked leaves for dayssss. We had to be back in our homes by 5 though because of Halloween. President wanted us to be extra safe. Also apparently it gets so cold here that when you blink outside, your eyelids freeze together. So that'll be interesting. And I guess last year there was a time when the missionaries weren't allowed to leave their homes for 4 days because it was so cold. So good luck surviving, Jayne. 

1.  Sis Smith!

 Because it's getting a little colder, we don't take as many tours now. For example, yesterday we didn't take any. Therefore, we were stuck in the chat room all day. And it was Fast Sunday, too. Rough. Just kidding. Kind of. I actually love chat though. It's so neat because we get to talk to people from all around the world. We've talked with people from New Zealand, Australia, Haiti, Islam, Mexico, Russia, and all over the states. I'm just waiting for someone from KOREA to come on so that I can send Chancey a referral. Because I think that would possibly be one of the coolest things ever. The downfall of chat though, is that you don't always get to see the fruits of your labor. We start the discussions, then if they want, we get their address and send the local missionaries to them. Then we lose contact with them sometimes. But that's okay. Planting seeds is good too!

2.  It's supposed to be cute, so let's just pretend it is!

We've gone to a Bible Study a few times now, and for some reason the people there absolutely LOVE my and Sister de Kock's input. Like, a lot! It's actually kind of weird how much they like it. Little do they know, we mostly just quote general authorities. Hopefully something will come out of that. It's always a good experience. Last week we were reading in Acts chapter 5, and I love the attitudes that Peter and John have. They are such good examples to me. Here they are, being beaten, persecuted and sent to jail for teaching about Christ, and what do they do? Rejoice in the fact that they are counted worthy to suffer for Christ's name. How amazing. I've been lucky and haven't had too many negative or bad experiences so far, but I know that they will come. It is my hope that I will be able to look at it with the perspective that Peter and John had and rejoice that I am lucky enough to be here serving a mission as a representative of Christ. This truly is God's work, and I love it.

3.  Even missionaries brush their teeth.

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week.

Week 6 (Oct. 27): From the Perspective of Anne Frank

Dear family, friends, and loved ones

How are you all doing? Life here in Kirtland is as great as ever. Mom, it's funny you say you feel like there wouldn't be many members here because when I first got here, I thought the exact opposite. I felt like it'd be filled with members just because I'm at a VC. I kind of thought it'd be like Temple Square or something. But it's not. You were right. As always.

So Sister S was baptized on Saturday! It was the greatest day on the mission yet. She looked so pure coming out of the water. You could tell she was just filled with pure joy. And so was I. My cheeks were dying because I was smiling so much, but I couldn't stop! So happy. So excited. Funny story though, we were planning on playing Mormon Messages while Sister S was getting dressed, but we couldn't find the ones we had planned on playing. So Sister de Kock just clicked on a random one, then we left to go see how Sister S was doing. Brother Decker (Have I told you about him? Ward mission leader. Coolest guy ever.) came out to the hall with his baby and we asked how the Mormon Message was. He was like, "Well, it's about someone contemplating suicide, but it could be worse." Ahhhh so dumb. Here we are, playing a suicidal clip at a baptism. Perfect.  We were a little embarrassed to go back in. Good thing every Mormon Message ends with an uplifting message though, even if it starts out sad. Too bad for us though, the internet stopped working and we had to stop before we got to the good stuff. Aye yi yi. But we later found out that it was the exact thing that one of the investigators who came  needed to hear. So It was good for her. But basically I want to have a baptism every single day of my life. I'm okay with the rate we're at though.

Sis. S!

So I never realized this, but it is a scary thing going to eat at member's homes for dinner. I always thought it would be the greatest thing while on a mission, because we have some pretty good chefs in Lake of the Pines and the Auburn Stake. But no. Its scary. At least for some members. And we mostly get fed by those who are a little messier than what's ideal. Like sometimes you find rat poop in their house, then they offer you a meal and you eat it and just hope that there isn't any poop in your chili. And it's such a blessing when a member who was going to make you oatmeal salmon (what does that even mean?) has to cancel. Happy day. But I love their willingness to serve the missionaries! The people here are so humble and thoughtful. And I'm just a spoiled missionary complaining about rat feces chili. 

Sister de Kock is the best. Sometimes I think we get along too well because we can hardly make it through a Hymn without laughing. So we now have to sing looking away from each other. Also, I guess I'm really bad with names. During a lesson with a less active named Sister Clarkson, I was praying and said "We're grateful to be here with Sister S." Then one day we took an investigator on a tour. Afterwards, Sister de Kock and I were praying and I was like, "We're so grateful for Alicia" Then I hear Sister de Kock laughing and I realize I said the wrong name. So I correct myself and say, " Alice, and her desire to find out for herself the truthfulness of the gospel. " (or something along those lines). And Sister de Kock is still laughing! I was confused. After the prayer was over, I looked up at her and she had tears coming down her face from laughing so much. Turns out the investigator's name is Janice. Not Alicia. Not Alice. Janice. Then whenever we would pray for Janice we'd start to laugh again. It's bad. 

Sis. Smith and me.  She sang, 
I "violined" as Sis. de Kock would say.

Also, when we're in the car, we blast the heat so that it will feel good when we go outside. We call it "girding up our loins". I have no idea why. But it's really funny to us. Neither of us knew exactly what it meant though, so when we were on the computers, we searched "gird up your loins" on and found a video. I would highly recommend watching it. 

Don't worry Eric, I'm wearing my seat belt.

And I'm a newb with all the history stuff here. So before a tour, we take those present to watch a film that covers the 7 years the saints were in Kirtland, told from the perspective of Ann Whitney. One day when I was introducing the video, I said it was from the perspective of Anne Frank. But guess what you guys! It's actually not told from a Jewish girl who hid in a basement! Not even close. Nice try, Jayne.  But anyways, I love it here. The more I learn about the saints, the more love I feel towards them. They gave up so much in order to allow the church to grow. I feel so blessed to be serving here. I love it. It's so cool because you'd think that all the tours are the same, but they really aren't. Each one is different, but the same spirit is felt.

They really like me here so they gave me a nickname.  Or they just don't know how to spell Livingston.

I got all the pictures! Loved them so much. Whoever took the pictures of Clark's return did a great job. I love all the facial expressions. Everyone looked so happy! And Kyrie and Bryn's outfits were the best. I'm glad my cutout was there. I'm a midget. But that's okay. Loved hearing about all the updates. I'm glad Dallan is okay from the crazy Placer shooting! Sheesh. Scary.

1. The Google stuff would be for
2. My eye is doing much better. And I've been using the Frankincense! The Mission president's wife wants me to get in contact with an ophthalmologist so can I get our insurance providers number?
3. I played and sang "I will" on the piano, and "I Feel my Savior's Love" on the violin. It's like I pretend I'm talented when I'm really not.
4. The ward here is great! No elders, just sisters and seniors. I love it. There are some very interesting people, but for the most part, it's great. Not sure about how large it is, I feel like it's about the same size as LOP but I don't really know.
4. There are 4 of us living in the little white house. Sister de Kock and I, then Sister Holmes and Guinn. I love them all. 
5. "Office days" (not really an office, I was just pretending) are when we're at the Visitors Center and we're not giving tours. We go on chat and take phone calls for everyone who has a question and goes to to find an answer. So when you're chatting with people on, you're chatting with missionaries. :) Pretty cool. And the other sister in that picture, that's Sister de Kock! My companion. From South Africa, not New Zealand. Close enough though. Kind of. 
6. It's really not too cold here yet! I'm going to some heavy duty winter store later today though. But I'm fine as of now, thank you. 
7. The girl that gave me the marble drawing was about 13? Not really sure. 

I love you all! And Heavenly Father loves you even more. So much love. Have a wonderful week!


Week 5 (Oct. 20): You haven't really lost your marbles!

Greetings, everyone!

Let me just start out by saying that my physical appearance is degrading. Big time. Basically my hair is an Afro. Everyday. No matter what I do with it, at the end of the day it just looks bad. It's so humid here! But the blessing is, I don't have to do my hair in the mornings. Because its no use. Also I'm still wearing my glasses 24/7 and I look like a grandpa in them. It's a little bothersome though because every time I blink, my eyelashes brush against my glasses. Basically my life is really hard. Just kidding.  And, the senior couples here are extremely generous with their kitchen skills. There is a constant supply of cookies, brownies, cake, muffins, anything/everything to eat. And I can't control myself. So I just eat. And eat. And eat. At this rate, I'll just be a big round ball when I get home. But thank goodness I'm on a mission and don't even care about what I look like. Good luck recognizing me. Okay. Enough worldly talk.

Welcome to Kirtland!

Heavenly Father is so good to us. He placed us here in a beautiful world where were we are able to enjoy so many of His creations! I love it. While the world overall is beautiful, however, I think Kirtland may be the most beautiful. At least out of any of the places I've been. But seriously. I die every time I see the trees. And it's kind of created a little addiction for me. I'm constantly picking up leaves. Like, I go on leaf hunts. One time we were going into our house and our arms were loaded with different things--loaded to the point where even walking was a struggle. But, I spotted the perfect leaf. And I needed it to add to my collection. So I somehow managed to bend down and pick it up. Sure, I had cans of beans falling out of my bags and rolling away, but I got the leaf. So don't worry. But really, it's concerning. And it's actually a little embarrassing. At our district meeting, I was opening up my journal, and a butt load of leaves fell out of it. Perfect.

The beauty is unreal!

Our main focus in our area has been working with Less Actives and Members. In Preach my Gospel, there is a whole section on the importance of working with members. It is so important! I never really thought about it before, but members are a big part of missionary work. Especially when it comes to befriending recent converts. Joining our church is a big change, and it can be very uncomfortable for some. But if they have friends in the ward, it will be an easier/more welcoming experience.  So go out of your way to say hi to investigators and recent converts! They need it. Because not everyone can be as cool and popular as Cameron. 

We have a baptism this Saturday! I'm so excited. Sandy is in her 50s I think. She's is the best. She is so aware of all of the blessings she has in life, and recognizes all the good that comes from living in a way that Heavenly Father would have her live. She's sacrificed so much to make this change in her life. She's just great. Oh and I'm playing the violin at her baptism. So yikes. Hopefully my screeching won't take away from the spirit. I'm borrowing someone's old violin from the ward. Also, I was asked to play at a training meeting last week but then just ended up playing the piano and singing. Scary.

Speaking of singing, we went to visit the 96 year old roller skater again this week and thought it would be a good idea to sing with her. It was the funniest thing that's happened so far. I forgot what we were singing, but Sister de Kock and I were on one line, then when we were holding out a note, we heard sweet little Rosie just going at it, like 3 measures ahead of us. I couldn't contain the laughter that was boiling up inside of me. Then we all just started cracking up, and Rosie explained how Heavenly Father loved it. She decided that we should sing a trio in church, with her singing the bass part. And I almost knocked her over when I went to hug her. I had to tilt her back up. It was scary. She's a delicate lady. 

We've been doing lots of service each week, and I absolutely love it. It just feels good helping others. Plus I love cleaning. So it's a win-win situation. We're working on making some table legs for Madame M Because apparently there's room in her apartment for another table even though there really isn't. But it's been fun! We've been working with skill-saws, table-saws, all kinds of saws. I love it. Are you proud, Dad?

It's so good hearing from everyone! I appreciate all the emails. Laker needs to stop hurting himself. It makes me sad. I'm guessing it was on his all on his left side?  Mom, I'm glad SLC was fun and that you got to meet up with your friends! So fun. And I didn't know you were showing houses already! That's so neat. Way to be. My clothes are good. I'm a little cold, but it's toughening me up. I'll look into buying a big coat. Tell Clark he's silly for leaving his wallet, but I'm glad that he's enjoying being home. And taking Lucy to seminary. I warned him. Carter is a genius. I think he literally received half of my brain. 

Thank you for all the updates! And  special thanks to Aunt Karen! You are so thoughtful and generous! How is it that you can still take care of me even when I'm on the other side of the country. Thank you so much. My companion and the other sisters that I live with loved the picture of Ty. So funny. Thank you, I love you. 

Inspirational quote for you all: "Sometimes when you think you lost your marbles, you really haven't." How's that for food for thought? A girl in my ward gave me a drawing with that quote on it. So sweet.

I love you all! Have a good week, or I'll be very angry.

Sister Livingston

My house.  It's cute.

A day in the office.