Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 24: An Experience Not Too Many Get To Have

1.  Madame M
This week was great. Surprise! Just kidding. It's not really a surprise because all weeks are great. "The worst day on your mission is still a great day." -Brother Decker. It's so true. He's pretty cool. And his wife just had a baby about 3 hours ago. 

But really. It was a good week. We've continued to meet with Mr. W and he is doing great! He breaks my heart though! He has such a good heart and just wants those around him to be happy, but he is so sad and depressed. It's painful. But that's why I'm so excited to continue meeting with him. The gospel will really change his life if he lets it. And I think he will. 

Yesterday we took a little family on tour, and they had 7 kids. I saw all of them and thought to myself, "Sheesh! Such a huge family! How do they do it?" Then I remembered that there are seven kids in our family too. Tee Hee. But anyway. We were in the School of the Prophets bearing our testimonies, and the spirit was SO strong, as it always is in that room. Then all of the sudden we hear the mom say in a panicked voice , "WAIT! Can you just hang on a minute? Hyrum is having an accident." We look over at the little boy, and there's a puddle of some liquid substance underneath his feet, getting larger and larger. It was so funny. He peed. On the floor. In the School of the Prophets. Needless to say, it was an experience that not too many get to have.

2.  Chevron Twins
Also, we got attacked by a mute dog and it was just.... really strange. We were out tracting and as we were walking up to one of the homes, this dog came up to us and started jumping up on us. We thought he was just playing because he wasn't barking or anything, but then he started getting more aggressive and started biting. And we were confused. So we just walked away and tried to comprehend what had just happened. The silent guard dog. He did its job. 

Um. I got kissed this week. By a BOY. But he's only 1 so it's okay and made my day. I just miss little kids. But I'm pretty sure Bryn needs to marry this little boy. And Jayden needs to marry his sister. And Kyrie needs to marry Brother Decker's son. Then, I will be happy. Just kidding. I'm happy now. Tricked ya. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and take some time to reflect on our Savior. You should read 3rd Nephi 17. Not just read it, but discuss it. We read it with Mr. W, and it was really amazing. Christ is our perfect exemplar of so many things, but especially of loving everyone. That's something I want to get better at. Not saying that I don't love people, because I can assure you that I do. A lot. But I could always do a better job of showing it, ya know? I love you guys. 


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