Hey, ya little rascals.
This week was so good! Again! At Mission Leadership Council, President announced that more Site Sisters were going to go full-pros, so that we could have more elders in our Stake. (We have like 26 Sisters and 8 elders in our Zone. Nuts. (Grapenuts)) So I was TERRIFIED that I would get sent full-pros! Not because I don't want to experience that, I really do. But because I'm not quite ready to leave Shake! I love love LOVE this area. So I was just real scared. But we got transfer calls last night and I'm STAYING!!!!! Oh, blessed day. I'm so happy. Because this means I will be here for Bill's baptism! BEST DAY OF MY LIFEEEE!!
Speaking of Bill, he is on FIRE. We taught him the Word of Wisdom this past week. But we first followed up to see how his Book of Mormon reading was going. He said it was good! But that it made him laugh. I wasn't expecting that answer and didn't know what to think of it. I was a little scared, actually. But when I asked what it was that made him laugh, he said, "Because I can relate so well to Nephi! We're like the same, and it was just funny to me!" What in the world! So that was glorious. Then we started reviewing Joseph's role as a prophet. We asked what his understanding was of whom Joseph was, and he said, "Well if I remember correctly, he was the first modern-day prophet for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was able to receive revelation to guide the people and opened the path to a new faith." Speechless. Yes, Bill, that's exactly who he was. Is someone whispering the answers to you or something? Crazy. So then we taught the Word of Wisdom. We gave him the pamphlet and let him read the little box that lists the things that we don't use. He said, "The only thing I've had a problem with is the last one--harmful or addictive substances. I drink Pepsi, but I actually quit 2 days ago and have the headache to prove it!" We explained how Pespi is fine. But he was like, "No it's not! Not according to these guidelines!" HAHAHAHA Bill! Why is he so cool?! G-O-L-D-E-N. So golden. So we just told him to not judge members if he sees them drinking soda. Also, he came to church yesterday and it was the best Sacrament Meeting we've ever had. He loved it and said he's going to try to get work off
next week. And he's looking for a new job. I DON'T DESERVE THIS!!!!!! It's so exciting!
And that's my life, everybody. Bill is doing amazing, I get to stay in Shaker, I get to be with Sister Beck for another transfer, I'm still living with Sister de Kock, and I know that his gospel is true. What could be better? Sweet nothing.
I love you all!
Sister Livingston
The Childrens |
Met them on the street |
and they wanted to take pictures, |
And that we did! |
Have some DQ |
Then take a hike. |
Jayne and Elder Jones must have met at EFY? Spiritual Giants--Both of them! :) |
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