Hello! This week, you actually get to hear about my life. You're welcome.

First off, Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was wonderful. Our Zone all met together at the Stake Center and did fun things together, then we went over to the VC where the seniors hosted a HUGE feast for us. So we ate until we exploded, then we got to go home and relax! It was quite nice. Then, the next day, WE WENT TO THE TEMPLE WITH BILL! It was so good. It was like a little "Shaker Heights missionaries and their Recent Converts" trip. It was me, Sister Beck and Bill, the Elders and their 2 recent converts (one of whom I found out I'm related to. Not even kidding. See attached picture.) and our Ward Mission Leader. All 8 of us squeezed into a little van and took a nice little road trip. It was really fun and all of the Recent Converts had great experiences. Then, Friday evening, we headed back to the VC to watch the lighting ceremony. (Elder Wynder hired professionals to light up the VC. It kind of looks like Temple Square not, but not even close). While we were there, we saw Candy! Candy

is the biggest miracle to ever take place. Here's her story:
Candy was walking around in the mall one day and saw a little wreath Christmas tree ornament with a white star in the center of it. She said that when she saw it, she felt like she needed to go somewhere, but she wasn't quite sure where. So she began to drive home and on her way, she drove past Historic Kirtland, where she saw a big wreath hanging on the building with a white star in the center! A huge version of the ornament she saw in the mall. She said she knew that was a sign, so she turned into the parking lot. Sister Beck and I got to take her, her daughter and their friend on a tour, and the whole time she was very in tune with the spirit. She kept mentioning how she loved how she felt as she walked on the sacred sites and how inspiring all of the saints were. We could just tell there was something special about her.
Towards the end of the tour, she said to us, “This may seem like an ‘out there’ question, but I need to know--Do you guys believe in the power of healing?” We went on to explain the Priesthood power and told the story of Elsa Johnson, who had an arthritic arm and was miraculously healed after a blessing of healing given to her by Joseph Smith. I then told her the story of my eye situation. She was amazed! She explained to us that she didn't have the best health and had been diagnosed with cancer multiple times in the past. She then
said, “Now I know where to come next time it comes back!”

At the end of the tour, Candyy accepted a Book of Mormon but didn't want to give us her contact information. She said she would come back to see the Nativity display, though! We were very hopeful and we prayed for her multiple times the following days. We prayed that she would either come back to the sites or that the missionaries in her area would find her. About a week later (Friday night), we saw Candy and her daughter wandering around the sites looking at the Nativities. We ran up to her and began talking. She explained that within the past week, she met two elders who talked to her on the street. She told them how she had taken a tour, received a Book of Mormon and couldn't wait to go back. They were able to set up a return appointment and she became a new investigator. During that week, she also found out that her cancer had come back, and she knew she needed to come back to the Historic Sites. Once she
arrived at the Visitor’s Center, she approached two random elders (the Assistants, no less) and explained how she needed “the Grace of God” and needed a blessing. They were able to take her up to a quiet room and give her a blessing of healing. After talking for a few minutes, they committed her to baptism, and SHE ACCEPTED! She continues to meet with the Elders and has come back to the sites multiple times. She just can’t get enough! It's so crazy! At our Zone Training Meeting yesterday, we spent a few minutes talking about miracles we had recently seen, so we told that story and as we were, other missionaries were throwing in bits and pieces that they had heard about from other missionaries who were involved. It was so neat! It was like a mission-wide miracle. Okay, not mission wide. But Zone-wide, plus the Assistants. SO COOL! So we are now meeting with her at the VC while the elders in her area work with her out in her area. It's the neatest thing! Everything about it.

on Tuesday, we had our Mission Christmas Conference. It was SO GOOD! It started out at the VC where we all looked at nativities and watched the new videos the church has produced. Then we had 2 hours for lunch. We were all way confused and didn't know what we were going to do with our lives for all that time, but then lo and behold, "The Best Two Years" began to play on the projector! WE WATCHED THE BEST TWO YEARS! Ahhh it was the best 2 hours of my life. Just kidding. But it was really exciting/fun/weird/
letsdoitagain. Then we all headed to the temple and had a devotional. We sang Christmas songs, listened to special musical numbers, and heard the testimonies of multiple missionaries/church leaders around our mission. It was so good! The spirit was so strong. I love love LOVE it when all of us missionaries gather together. The spirit can be felt like none other. I wish you all could have been there. I wish everyone could experience being a missionary. There really is no greater way to spend 18-24 months of your life at this age. I love it so much. Thanks for the support. :) And sorry I wrote an entire novel.
I hope you had a good week as well. If it was anything like mine, you're probably in heaven.
I love you!
Sister Livingston
1. My cousin, thanks to Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. |
2. Sister Evans. Apparently I'm her "special friend". Whatever that means. |
2. Yay for chubby cheeks! (Elder Bowcut and Jensen (ZLs) have a goal to make all of the Site Sisters fat. Isn't that horrible? Yet, SO hilarious. It's working.) |
I just realized it looks like all I ever wear is black/white patterned shirts with the yellow cardigan. Perfect.
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