1. Love this little lady! |
MADAME M PASSED HER INTERVIEW!!!!! Is this real life? She had her baptismal interview yesterday after sacrament meeting, and it was probably the most stressful moment of my mission so far. I don't know why, but it was just a very nerve-racking/exciting moment. While she was being interviewed though, I looked in through the little window to see how it looked like things were going, and she had her elbow propped up on the desk and was resting her head on her fist with closed eyes. "She's asleep. No, she can't be asleep. What is she thinking? Why is this happening? What's going on?" I felt so sick. But she passed and is getting baptized on the 31st! Happy Birthday, Gracie. You're welcome.
2. Action shot. #embarrassed #doublechin |
Yes, I have a new companion! She's great. I really like her. Sister de Kock is now in the Chardon branch. It's funny because Sister Newren served in Chardon before coming to Kirtland. So they literally swapped places. No more training, and no junior/senior companions. Not really sure why. I drove when I was with dk because she didn't have an american license, and I guess I drive now because there's no point in Sister. N driving because she's leaving so soon? I don't really know. But I sure as heck don't mind! I love driving. We've shoveled for members in our ward and some less-actives that we're trying to get in contact with. We'll see how that goes.
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3. Oh hello! CM Christmas Conference |
Also we were a little disobedient this week on accident. We shoveled snow for 6 hours straight one day and our bodies were physically drained. Then the next day, we were home for dinner and after I finished eating, I went up to my room to read the Book of Mormon and just passed out! Then I heard some people laughing downstairs, and jumped up and saw that it was 6:20pm and we were supposed to be done by 6. I was so confused and felt so guilty/mad at myself. Never again. But it was a little funny. Sister Newren was passed out on the floor downstairs and some other sister came inside to do some laundry and found her then just burst out laughing, which was when I woke up.
4. Sir Isaac Newton. Kind of. |
We made dinner for Rosie this week! It was the best. She's the 96 year old lady in our ward that we visit. She is too sweet. She's been living off of Meals on Wheels for the past few years, and when we asked if we could come make dinner for her her eyes just lit up and she was so excited. It was so cute. I love that lady so much.
4. Sometimes I just want to spend the whole week with Rosie. |
We're also getting a new Site Director today. Actually, like in a few minutes. We're waiting for him and his wife to arrive right now. It'll be exciting to get a new Director, but also so sad to see the Sorensons go. They really are like our grandparents. They're always willing to drop anything they're doing to answer a question, check up on us, and just see how we're doing. So selfless. I have a lot of really great examples around me and I just want to be more like all of them. There is so much that I need to improve on. It's a little overwhelming. I get annoyed with myself sometimes so I don't know how my companions did/do it.
Yesterday in Relief Society we were talking about prayer and fasting and how powerful it was. We were told to think of how prayer/fasting has benefited our lives, and immediately I thought of my eye situation. I realized I never thanked everyone back home who was praying for my eye and I felt really bad. But I hope everyone realizes how much their prayers on my behalf meant to me. It's really because of them that I was able to get through that rough little patch. So thank you.
I love my mission. As of Saturday, I have officially been out for 4 months and it freaks me out. Didn't I just receive my call 2 days ago? What the heck? I don't know. Luckily though, I still have lots of time to improve and learn more.
I love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful week!
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