Sister de Kock and I calling our RCs/LA to set up a TEMPLE TRIP!!!! |
This week was swell. Much better than my sick week. That one, I think I'll rip out of my journal. Except for I'm the worst journal writer there is and I didn't actually write about it. Or anything else really. I've spent my time from 9:30pm-10:30pm these past couple of nights trying to get caught up on my journal though. I was about 3 months behind. Yikes.
On Friday I was kind of having a hard time. I'll spare you the details, but I was just really down and being hard on myself. I felt worthless and like I was no good. Well, okay. I feel like that a lot actually. But especially on Friday. So yeah. I was sad. But then we went over to see one of the less active members that we've been working with. She really doesn't know much, so about a week ago we felt that it would be good to just start with the basics and go through the Gospel Principles Manual with her. Chapter 1 is on our Heavenly Father. We just talked about Him and who He is. We talked about His love for us and His awareness of each and every one of us. We talked about how our trials are opportunities to grow close to Him and our Savior and come to know Them more personally. We also talked about how He has a plan for everything and how everything, even when we don't recognize it or see His hand in our lives in the moment, is part of a bigger picture that He sees. And that is exactly what I needed to hear. I wasn't sure of why things were happening they
were and I let it get me down. But, Heavenly Father
had a plan. In my personal opinion, I think that He
I really love these little rascals. |
knew that I would be having a hard time at that
moment, so He put into our minds, through the spirit,
a WEEK ago, what we should teach this less active. And it just so happened that what "she" needed was actually what I needed in that very moment. And he knew it the whole time. That's just my opinion. It may or may not be true. But God is our Father. He knows us, loves us, and wants us to be happy. And THAT is true. I know it is.
The VC Sisters. |
On Saturday we took a really cool tour. We were doing our little introduction to a family, and they were all solid members. But then the seniors added two more people to our group--two non members. Their car had broken down right in front of the Visitors' Center (Happy 4th), and they decided that they would take a tour as they waited for the tow truck. So we took them on tour! And it was amazing. They seemed a little bit closed off and were pretty quiet at first. They just didn't seem too happy. Maybe because their car had just broken down and ruined their plans? Probably. But we took them through all of the rooms in the store and it was AMAZING! The spirit was so strong, and they got more into it the longer we were on tour. In the Hired Man's room, we like to take the opportunity to talk about the Book of Mormon. We had the parents of the member family share their testimonies of it and it was PERFECT. So powerful. We offered the non-members a copy and they accepted.Then they got a call--they had to leave to go deal with their car. I walked them back to the Visitors' Center and asked what they thought about the tour. Their response: "God has a plan! There must be a reason our car broke down where it did." And then I died of happiness. They didn't leave us with their information, but they promised that they would read it. That's the thing with serving here--We get to have so many opportunities like that, where we plant seeds, but we don't always get to see what happens with those seeds which would be nice. But that's okay. Because, God has a plan.
I love you guys! Glad you had a Happy 4th, and Happy Belated birthday, Mom! You're #1. I love you.
Sister Livingston
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