Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 60: She is in love!

Greetings, from freezing Ohio! Just kidding. It's actually not that cold yet. And you know what? I'm okay with that. I took some people on tour from California the other day. They said it was in the 90s out there. Is that true? If so, I'm a bit jealous. Okay, enough weather talk. It's like we're on a date and we don't know what else to talk about or something.

This week was really great! We had 0 time in our area though. My week goes as follows:

Monday: Preparation Day
Tuesday: Mission Leadership Council
Wednesday: Sites
Thursday: Zone Conference
Friday: Area
Saturday: Sites
Sunday: Sites

But the good news is, since there's only one set of sisters in our area now, we are way busy during the time that we are in the area, so we still get a lot done. We seem to only be teaching men at the moment which is extremely difficult. We can't teach them alone inside because that's scary bears, but it's too cold to teach them outside because, not to bring up the weather again or anything, but it's a bit chilly. Ideally we would bring members with us, and ideally it would be men around their same age, but we can't bring just one other man because we can't be paired off. #doubledate. But we don't want to bring just one woman because we don't want them to think we're love doctors, so as a result, we have to bring the entire Relief Society. And then we scare them off. But it's okay, I'll survive. Don't worry about me. 

Only one of our investigators was able to make it to church yesterday. His name is Mr. A, and he lives in the same apartment complex as Mr. Bill. He's so awesome! He's 19 and is here for school. He's from Kentucky and has the thickest southern accent. It's hilarious. He's really funny. We were hoping to have about 4 of our investigators at church, but at 9:00, NONE of them  were there. Sweet nothin'. Our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, but behold the Lord comforted us, and said: Turn around, and there ye shall see Austin. And lo and behold, HE WAS THERE!! Hallelujah. He saved the day. So things are going well with him and it's really exciting. 

Guess what. We're going on 3 exchanges this week. Back to back. Therefore, who even is Sister Beck? It'll be crazy and draining, but hopefully effective. The Zone Leaders are doing the same thing with the elders. We (us and the ZLs) will be going to all of the District Meetings in our Zone, then going on exchanges afterwards. So nuts! But I'm excited. It'll be grand. 

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! I love my companion, I love those I serve, I love those I serve with, I love the Visitors' Center, I love the leaves, I love beans, I love it all. Mostly though, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.  And I love the Book of Mormon, because it's allowed me to come to know Him better. It's amazing to think of the amount of love he had to have for each of us, and the Father, in order to perform His sacrifice. And I absolutely love the moments I have when I just feel an overwhelming sense of love from and for Christ. He truly is my best friend.

You come in a close second though. Wink. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Livingston

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