Hello! This week was another great week.
First, answers to questions: My winter wardrobe is struggling! It hasn't been too cold lately, but I've heard this winter is supposed to be bad. So I'll need to buy a big winter coat and about 1000 more scarves/tights/gloves/beanies. All of my shoes are fine. No blisters. For some reason, everyone really likes my boots. Too bad I have baby feet and no one else can fit into them! Tee hee. I will not be in the same ward my whole time here. It's the same as other missions, we get transferred to different areas, they all just happen to be within an hour from the VC. And yes, 6 week transfers :) It's a normal mission. My p-days won't always be on Monday's though. If all the sisters at the VC had Monday p-days, we might have a slight problem. The violin I've been using is just a lady's in my ward and I am scared out of my mind to play at Zone conference tomorrow! Oh well. We get to watch Meet the Mormons! I'm excited. No eye appt yet. I still need our insurances number to see what providers are here. We use the library computers. During the days we're stuck in our house due to the weather, we just take naps. Just kidding. I'm not sure, to be honest, I'm guessing we'll just clean and study study study. The bible study is just a bunch of random christian churches that come together. No fear though, they will soon be baptized.
We were finally able to meet with one of our referrals this week! Her name is Auntie A. Not sure if I've said anything about her previously, but she's basically the most prepared person I've ever met. We met her at the library while her kids were in story time and just talked with her and asked what she knew about the church. We had a Book of Mormon sitting out on the table to give to her. She sees it and says, "Oh I've already read that, as well as the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great price." As she's explaining all that she's read and what she thought about it, we just smile and nod and shove (respectfully, of course) the Book of Mormon back into our bags. It was kind of like on Elf when buddy made the list of all the things that he and his dad are going to do, then is rejected, so he sneakily shakes the etch-a-sketch and puts it down. Anyway, she knows all this history of the restoration, moving to Kirtland, building the temple, leaving it behind, moving out west, etc. EVERYTHING. She says she adores the Mormon values and way of living and is fascinated with how strong of a man Joseph was. In her words, she's "obsessed". She said she finds herself staying up till 3 in the morning reading blogs that defend Joseph Smith. And she's also started to live by the word of wisdom. SO PREPARED! Gah. Love it. The only thing though, is that she and her family are very strong in the Catholic faith. She's not too sure how her husband would take it. They really value their family relationships though, we were hoping to start FHE with them next week.

Because watching the District for 2 hours is always a blast.
Mr. W, the 60 year old man we started to teach, is so awesome. We met with him for the second time, and he had read the Restoration pamphlet and "loved the story". His entire countenance had changed so much from our first meeting. He was telling us about all of these wonderful things and blessings that had happened since we last saw him, and he realizes that it's not just a coincidence! We gave him a Book of Mormon to read, and he was like, "I just finished my bible last night, and now I have another one I get to read! God knew. " It's so amazing! He's opening up a lot with us so much and I love it.
I love watching Sis. S, our recent convert, at church. That sounds creepy, but it's true. It's so cute to watch her interact with different youth and adults in church because she used to be so shy and not talk at all! But she's really stepping out of her comfort zone. And I love reading the Book of Mormon with her. Listening to the way she pronounces some of the names is possibly one of my favorite things ever.
We saw Madame M again this week. She believes that the church is true, but she wants to make sure she knows what she's doing before she makes any commitments. Which is good, it is just taking awhile because she doesn't usually keep her commitments. She's been better though! She's showing small signs of progression. She's so funny. I love her. Whenever we go to see her, she always offers us either food or a drink. It's a little scary. We usually try to have an excuse, but didn't this time so we said we'd just have some water. So she goes into her kitchen, and we hear her putting all of these different things into our cups. It was a little concerning, to say the least. Then she walks back into her living room where we were, and gives us glasses filled with chalky water. She said it was lemonade. I'm not sure what kind of lemonade it was, but let me tell you. It was unlike any lemonade I've ever had before. It tasted like a mixture of iron and lemon and some other foreign substance. I didn't feel too good after drinking it and I'm still not sure of what it was. But that's okay.
Funny story: So last week after we finished emailing, we went grocery shopping. Then when we were walking out of the grocery store, we see this group of 5 or 6 big black men just standing outside their car. Their battery was dead. So we, two little white girls, pull up in the glorious soccer mom mini van to save the day and jump start this car. I always think it's funny that we drive a van. Especially when we help big tough men. And then they watch us in confusion as Sister de Kock backs me out. #missionrules
Sister de Kock. Because she's from South Africa.
Things are slowing down at the visitors center, but we are still taking a few tours. So we took a tour and they happened to know our entire family and there were all these random connections! It was pretty cool. So yeah, they took a picture and sent to Wade to send to you. Can you please send it to me, though? Thank you. The 20-30 year old guy plays for the Cleveland Browns! He asked us if we'd be able to leave to watch one of his games. We said no, and he was like, "Well then I guess I'll just have to bring my whole team here and bring you guys some ice cream!" Needless to say, we're pretty close with the Browns now. It's fine. Also I took my first solo tour last night. A random group of 100+ members showed up so all the companionships had to separate. It was exciting. (Phyllis here. This would be an old family friend from Palm Springs, Stan Cameron. Some interesting facts: It was Stan who set me up writing my pen pal Carol in Australia. We've met once, and still keep in touch. I also believe Alan's brother David, dated Stan's wife Cathy, or was friends with her or something like that. Stan's son Jordan must be the 20-30 year old football player. That was news to me, but fun to hear! He said she was real cute and did her presentation well.)

Stan Cameron's Family in Kirtland
(Sent to Phyllis via Uncle Wade, via Stan, who must be taking the picture.)
We took a tour with a lady in our ward and her non-member cousin. You could tell the cousin respected the things we had to say and share, but she didn't seem too interested. We got into the Hired Man's room and told the story of Orson Hyde and his conversion story. Still, she wasn't really taking it in. Then I began to bear my testimony about the Book of Mormon. Suddenly, she seemed more interested and looked at me, smiling. Something about her changed. I ended by saying how the Book of Mormon brings so much peace and comfort in my life, then she was like, "and it brings a huge smile to your face! Your face really lit up when speaking about it." It was pretty neat. I didn't know my face did that. But when speaking about the things you love, you really do light up. And it shows. It's more powerful than you'd think. I love the Book of Mormon and I know that it's true. I know that it truly does change people's hearts and lives. It's changed mine and I am so grateful for it.
As things slow down at the VC, we spend more time on chat and as a result, are taking more chats. This includes with people who are truly interested and want to know more, and those who are anti. This week, we happened to take a lot of anti-chats, and they all lasted for quite some time. They try to take anything/everything you say and twist it. They try to get us to doubt our faith, but rather, they do the exact opposite. With each anti-chat we take, my faith is strengthened so much. Don't get me wrong, it's hard. It hurts. It makes you feel down and it's exhausting. But at the end of the day, it is such a testimony strengthener. I love this work, even with the small difficulties that come with it. I believe in Christ, so come what may.
Because I can't hold a real baby.
It sounds like you guys had a great week. Absolutely love the story about Laker telling Ethan about the golden plates and singing the Articles of Faith, then telling him he NEEDED him to tell his mom about them. So precious. Miss that little guy. Give him a big ole hug for me. Oh we had some guy come give us a presentation at the VC and I swear, he was grandpa's twin. Also bishop told us a story about his grandma leaving tissues everywhere. Reminded me of grandpa. How's he doing, by the way?