Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week 28: I held a baby!

Hello! This week was good. We found 2 new investigators. They were actually both formers that we just stopped by, and they let us in! I'm not too sure about them though. They've both met with missionaries for quite some time years ago but are pretty hesitant to make commitments. Maybe we should try threatening them? Just kidding. Also, why is everyone in Ohio Catholic? And why do they all own so many dogs? Sheesh. Like, every door we knock on: *dogs go crazy* *opens door* "I'm a devout Catholic, thank you." *shuts door* *dogs go crazy* Goodness gracious.

On Monday, we were walking into an apartment complex to meet with an older lady in our ward, then all of the sudden we saw Madame M walking in the parking lot! With her cart filled with more goodies, of course. I honestly don't know how she does it. We went to help her and the 3 of us struggled to get everything in her apartment. Also, her apartment is completely rearranged. But how? There's hardly room to walk. And she's tiny! I don't know. But it fascinates me. She's a little cutie. 

Hurray for Madame M!

Hurray for Selfies!

Also.... I HELD A BABY. Audrey Decker, to be exact. We went over to their house to do some service and Sister Decker was sitting on the couch with their new baby. I was in the Kitchen mopping the floor with my little assistant, Nolan. Then Audrey fell over and hit her head. She was just laying on the floor crying, but I didn't really know what to do so I just looked at her for a little bit. Then I was like, "Okay, this is a good reason to hold a child." So I helped her stand up, then she just melted into my arms! And it was wonderful. Except for I was nervous so I ran her over to Sister Decker and only got to hold her for about 4 seconds. Still though. Pretty cool.

On Friday, we had our Kirtland Sisters Training meeting and it was all just focused on the last week of Christ's life. We all went around and just read stories about Him in the bible. Then afterwards, we watched a slideshow that contained a bunch of pictures of Christ while "I Feel My Savior's Love" played in the background. The spirit was so strong. I think the thing that impressed me the most was seeing the pictures of Christ with individuals. Yes, the pictures of Him speaking with large groups of people were amazing, but for some reason I really loved the pictures that were of just Him and one other person. It showed how aware he is of each of us. And he cares for  us. Not just as a whole, but as individuals. And then you think of what it must have been like to be Heavenly Father. I'm not a parent or anything, but I can't even imagine what it must have been like to Heavenly Father to send His son to Earth to die for us. We were talking about it with a less active in our ward and she said, "It was a horrible thing, but it was the best thing." So true. I know that Christ lives. I know that he knows and loves us each individually. And he loves us perfectly. 

I love you guys. Maybe not perfectly, but a lot. That's still pretty good, right?

Sister Livingston

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